Day 4

I can’t even believe it’s already day 4! Where did Miss Oklahoma week go?! This morning was an early morning for the Omega group – we were at the Mabee Center by 7:30 am for talent rehearsals! If you know me at all, you know I often dread talent. I love dancing. I love performing. I love my costume, choreography, and dance teacher. However, it is absolutely frightening to not know how slick the stage will be with an ankle which has gone through a surgery, a broken bone, and torn ligaments. Needless to say: it’s a bit nerve-racking! The rehearsal was fine though and after the other groups rehearsed for their categories, we had a great lunch with a guest – I chose mom! It’s awesome to have a lunch with someone outside of the pageant because we do not have our phones or any form of communication unless we are in our dorms, and it’s great to hear a little encouragement mid-week.

After lunch, we had more rehearsals. I realize that there are only so many times I can say we rehearsed, but I’m sure you’re not that interested in the fact that we ran around in heels for several hours anyways! We got cleaned up and headed off to Macaroni Grill for an awesome (and Miss O diet friendly) meal! After that – it was show time! The opening number was fantastic and then there was talent. My dance was ok! I realize I’m not the best dancer in the entire world, and have accepted that. I may not be the most talented, but no one can say I am not a hard worker and I am proud of my improved performance! Congratulations to tonight’s winners: Swimsuit – Alex Eppler, Talent – Alicia Clifton, Rookie Talent – Tawnie Goodwin!

Here are a few shots from the week that I wanted to share!Kiwanis luncheon with Heather, my teen from last year! She has been such a great MOOT and I am so proud to call her my friend.

Dinner at Macaroni Grill

Visitation tonight

Tomorrow we get to sleep in until 7:30!!! So excited to showcase my beautiful gown, thanks to Kayne, his staff, and our dear friend, E-6000. Tomorrow night is also our swimsuit production number…get ready….it will knock your socks off!


P.S. In the words of my sister, ” thereโ€™s no mention of your amazing sister that carried all of your stuff up stairs.” Now there is. ๐Ÿ™‚

Day 3

I’m going to try to make this a short one – today was too full and my eyes and feet need a break! This morning we had rehearsals, then the Kiwanis luncheon. I absolutely love the Kiwanis luncheon and was able to meet several Kiwanians – always wonderful hosts. Sarah Klein and I sat next to Steve, who you may remember normally runs the stage. Steve is awesome and has been volunteering for years (even in my one year of Outstanding Teen competition!), but is unable to help backstage due to job commitments. I think I speak for all of the girls who have been joked with or calmed down by Steve backstage!

At the Kiwanis luncheon the community service awards were given out: 3rd place Talia Berning, 2nd place Alex Eppler, 1st place Heather Harris. Heather also won the Miss America Community Service award and Sarah Jensen won the academic award. Congrats!!! Afterwards, we jetted back to the Mabee Center to prepare for interviews. The judges were fantastic and meshed so well! Can’t give away the questions – but I truly enjoyed my time with them!

I was able to see Selby after dinner… a much needed break! It was great to discuss my interview and she brought me ANOTHER wonderful gift!! I am so spoiled… but I’m definitely not going to complain. ๐Ÿ™‚ More rehearsals, dinner at Rib Crib, and a night filled with rehearsals later – and I am here!

On a side note, this is the conversation which occurred in our car earlier

Me: Have you guys had issues with there not being a toilet lid in your room? I’ve nearly dropped my phone, make up, and brushes in that thing!

Car: No, we just close the lid.

Me: What lid?

Car: The lid on the toilet…

Me: Oh….I don’t have one of those.


Please say an extra prayer for me tonight that I do not drop anything into my lid-less bathroom toilet and that God blesses me with the ability to dance between now and 7:30 am. I’m kind of kidding…but really. It wouldn’t hurt. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll be praying for an inner calmness and may throw in a request for a non-slick stage….couldn’t hurt to ask, right?!

Slowly but Surely

Between the cardio, weights, dancing, packing, preparing pre-institute work, packing, organizing, school appearances, and trying to maintain my sanity – things are MOVING around here! I leave a week from today for Tulsa and still cannot believe the time has come. Whether I’m more excited about soon competing or eating a cheeseburger (or real, flavorful coffee, or french toast, or croissant, or cinnamon roll, or….well…you understand) I’m not sure! There is still so much to do, and not as much time as I wish I had allotted!

Yesterday I picked up my talent costume and today I picked up my opening number dress, white ramp gown, and swimsuit from alterations. That talent costume is like wearing a trash bag – it’s SUPER hot, but talent is first so I should be able to sweat out a few pounds before swimsuit! (That is, if the red coats can peel it off my body!)I also dropped off my interview dress (after FINALLY finding a pair of heels which somewhat matched!) for alterations as well. It won’t be ready until Wednesday – let’s hope it fits! Sunday I will have a fitting for my evening gown (props to Kayne for making it in just under two weeks!) and could not be more excited to see what it looks like! My sarong and silver swimsuit/opening number shoes are in the mail, and I have started sorting through clothes which I will be taking to Tulsa and Phoenix. Around the Mills house we are Keeping Calm and Carrying On!

Now, if that sounds like a lot of clothing for one week, I’ll be the first to agree with you! These are all items which must be packed before the week begins (complete with checklist):

Talent: Talent costume, tap shoes.

Swimsuit: Swimsuit, sarong, silver heels.ย 

Evening gown: Gown, gown heels, jewelry.

Interview: Interview dress, interview heels, jewelry (in hand, but undecided!)

Ramp gown: White gown, gown heels, jewelry.ย 

Opening number: Opening number dress, silver heels, jewelry.

Red Carpet Premiere: Dress, heels, jewelry. (that’s right, none of that is crossed off!)

Various: bedding, room decorations, secret pal gift, four “nice” dinner outfits, Kiwanis luncheon outfit, Family brunch outfit, rehearsal clothes, Black pants/bright top for CMN hospital visit, college t-shirt, local title t-shirt, every color of shorts since you don’t know what color the shirts are, additional “just in case” clothing, robe, shoes and jewelry for all of the above, necessities (pajamas, curling irons, straighteners, rollers, bath mats, etc.), and oh so very much more…

To be perfectly honest, I will probably pack the same amount (if not more!) for one week at Miss Oklahoma than six weeks in Phoenix! It’s all coming together, it’s just taking a bit of time!


P.S. Watch for me on KSBI 52 Tuesday at 10 am – I’ll be co-hosting All About You!