Weeeeeeeeeeeee’re Heeeeeeeeeere!

It’s been a wild week of packing for Miss O, packing for Arizona, practicing talent, working out, and dress fittings! Time had flown by so quickly, and the older I get, the faster it flies!

This morning I picked up my gown (between running errands and having my fingerprints taken downtown at the Sherrif’s office – a great story I will add to my TFA blog since it was teacher related!) and u can’t begin to describe how happy am with the final product. God works in mysterious ways and I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you to Kayne for being not only a life saver, but a true cheerleader who has lifted my spirits so much in the past few weeks.

I had hoped to make it to Tulsa a bit earlier, but we have had plenty of time to unpack and relax before check in. (It’s 1 am and my mom just realized she left all her hair products in Shawnee. At least we didn’t forget competition wardrobe?) I was so excited to catch up with Selby and her friend Natalie tonight too! Selby brought me such a sweet gift – she’s the best!!!

Tomorrow we check in, rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, move in and attend the red carpet premiere! This is going to be a fantastic week and I cannot wait to see what’s to come!

Slowly but Surely

Between the cardio, weights, dancing, packing, preparing pre-institute work, packing, organizing, school appearances, and trying to maintain my sanity – things are MOVING around here! I leave a week from today for Tulsa and still cannot believe the time has come. Whether I’m more excited about soon competing or eating a cheeseburger (or real, flavorful coffee, or french toast, or croissant, or cinnamon roll, or….well…you understand) I’m not sure! There is still so much to do, and not as much time as I wish I had allotted!

Yesterday I picked up my talent costume and today I picked up my opening number dress, white ramp gown, and swimsuit from alterations. That talent costume is like wearing a trash bag – it’s SUPER hot, but talent is first so I should be able to sweat out a few pounds before swimsuit! (That is, if the red coats can peel it off my body!)I also dropped off my interview dress (after FINALLY finding a pair of heels which somewhat matched!) for alterations as well. It won’t be ready until Wednesday – let’s hope it fits! Sunday I will have a fitting for my evening gown (props to Kayne for making it in just under two weeks!) and could not be more excited to see what it looks like! My sarong and silver swimsuit/opening number shoes are in the mail, and I have started sorting through clothes which I will be taking to Tulsa and Phoenix. Around the Mills house we are Keeping Calm and Carrying On!

Now, if that sounds like a lot of clothing for one week, I’ll be the first to agree with you! These are all items which must be packed before the week begins (complete with checklist):

Talent: Talent costume, tap shoes.

Swimsuit: Swimsuit, sarong, silver heels. 

Evening gown: Gown, gown heels, jewelry.

Interview: Interview dress, interview heels, jewelry (in hand, but undecided!)

Ramp gown: White gown, gown heels, jewelry. 

Opening number: Opening number dress, silver heels, jewelry.

Red Carpet Premiere: Dress, heels, jewelry. (that’s right, none of that is crossed off!)

Various: bedding, room decorations, secret pal gift, four “nice” dinner outfits, Kiwanis luncheon outfit, Family brunch outfit, rehearsal clothes, Black pants/bright top for CMN hospital visit, college t-shirt, local title t-shirt, every color of shorts since you don’t know what color the shirts are, additional “just in case” clothing, robe, shoes and jewelry for all of the above, necessities (pajamas, curling irons, straighteners, rollers, bath mats, etc.), and oh so very much more…

To be perfectly honest, I will probably pack the same amount (if not more!) for one week at Miss Oklahoma than six weeks in Phoenix! It’s all coming together, it’s just taking a bit of time!


P.S. Watch for me on KSBI 52 Tuesday at 10 am – I’ll be co-hosting All About You!

Keep Calm and Carry On

Seems like I just picked my theme for Miss Oklahoma life this year! The past few weeks have been something else, to say the least. Last Saturday, I graduated from the University of Oklahoma, moved out of Norman, and somehow brought a small village’s worth of stuff to Shawnee. I’ll be back at home until Miss O, and directly after the pageant I will hop on a plane to Phoenix, where Teach For America institute is held. I found out Tuesday that I will be teaching at the Community Action Project, an early childhood type center in Tulsa. This means I’ll have teeny tiny ones, 4-5 years old! I will be in Phoenix until July 16th, when I’ll drive home and begin training for CAP July 18th. No summer for Miss Sooner State! I also met Kimberly and her mom in Tulsa to apartment shop on Monday, so to say the least – I’ve been a busy graduate!

Tomorrow I have another school assembly and later meet with Brian. Saturday I take my teaching exam in the afternoon, then a wedding Saturday evening (not to mention the Thunder game!), and Sunday I’m meeting with my choreographer again. I also have an estimated 30 hours of Teach For America homework to do in the next week, on top of working out, dancing, and preparing to be thrown into the real world. YIKES! 

Yesterday, Rep. Pittman’s anti-bullying bill failed to pass. The final vote was 44-52, incredibly close numbers. Though the bill did not pass, I know Rep. Pittman, Kirk Smalley, and others who have a passion to see the end of this hideous cycle will not stop seeking out schools, civic groups and lawmakers until something changes. If nothing else, I am more determined to visit an even greater number of Oklahomans to spread my message about relational aggression. Rep. Pittman intends to make a plea to State Superintendent, Janet Barresi, to join the cause against anti-bullying and help amend rules which are currently in place.

After yesterday’s photoshoot, I went to pick up my evening gown. I’ve been so excited for months, anxiously awaiting the day my gown would be in my hands. Unfortunately what arrived was not what was ordered, by no fault of the store itself. Somehow the factory had misinterpreted the designs sent and what came back was simply not my gown. This is not the first place Keep Calm and Carry On is necessary (nor the last I’m sure), but I find the words much more comforting after my moments of sheer panic. The poster was introduced by the British government in 1939, at the height of WWII. It was intended to raise morale in the event of an invasion. I’m putting a huge poster of this in my classroom, Miss O dorm room, and probably my future apartment in Tulsa. 

Miss Oklahoma is just a few short weeks away and today I am gownless. I have not decided what to do just yet, but I know that by remaining calm and thinking through it, God will provide an answer. I’m a huge believer in “everything happens for a reason,” and the good Lord would not give me more than I am capable of handling. This is just one more obstacle which I will overcome while gladly accepting the challenges which are ahead. At the end of the day, this is not the end of the world, just a bump in the road.

Twenty Something Preview

If you’ll recall a previous post, I was selected as the Twenty Something Magazine winner for the June Twenty Something Girl contest. Yesterday I met Kelsey and Bethany, the editors, in Oklahoma City for the photoshoot. If you don’t know these two, you need to, because they are beyond fun! Bethany is an amazing photographer (check out her work in the magazine) and Kelsey is not only a sylist, but a Thunder Girl! I really enjoyed getting to know them and trying my hardest for a serious face every now and then (Leigh, Larry: I think you would agree that I am seriously not serious. Maybe ever.) Jamy did my hair and make up which was faaaaabulous! I was dressed up like a pin-up girl – red lipstick and all! They were surprised to learn that I had never worn red lipstick, just recently learned how to curl my hair, and my ears are not pierced. And I call myself a pageant competitor?

We had a wonderful time and here are a few sneak peeks at the shoot, featured in the upcoming June issue. Be sure to like their Facebook page and check out their website to view the magazine!

Twenty Something Magazine – WINNER!

I had to hold myself back from doing a little Charlie Sheen hash tagging (#winning), but considering Charlie and I have so little in common…it didn’t seem necessary!

I’m thrilled to relay that this morning on KSBI (a local Oklahoma station) the magazine announced ME as the winner of their June Twenty Something Magazine Girl search! If you remember from a few weeks ago, I posted a link to voting. Several young women were selected as finalists by the magazine and the public was asked to vote. The winner receives a photo shoot in the magazine along with an article about how they are a fun twenty something girl who is contributing to the betterment of our community.

Here’s an example of one of my pageant friends, Morgan Woolard, who is the May Twenty Something Girl. Morgan and I first met at Miss Oklahoma Teen USA in 2006. As it turned out, USA wasn’t for this short legged gal, but Morgan won – and it was her first pageant! It was one of those moments where you were truly thrilled for the winner and couldn’t have been happier if you’d won yourself. I really enjoyed getting to know her and have cheered her on ever since. She truly has a wonderful spirit and will do great things in life.

The magazine, created in April, is available online, so be sure to check it out. Look for me in next month’s issue!

Capitol Kind of Day

Thursday morning I went back to the capitol to visit with Representative Pittman. She is always going 100 miles an hour and I was amazed she was able to schedule a date and time to further discuss the bill and upcoming events. It was a cold morning for April, hence my call to Selby for a little “What Not To Wear: Capitol Edition.” Big news: I didn’t get lost on my way!!! There’s hope after all…

Rep. Pittman and I chatted for a while about where the bill is and the opportunities ahead. As of today, HB 1461 authored by Rep. Denny and co-authored by Rep. Pittman has passed the House, and passed the Senate, though amendments were made. If the amendments made by the Senate are approved  by Rep. Denny, the bill will go directly to Governor Fallin. Hopefully I will find out more in the coming weeks!

While at the capitol, I met with the pages from the House of Representatives. The students paging were from across Oklahoma, and one was even from Shawnee! While there, I was able to explain my platform and define relational aggression. I spoke individually with the pages as well, and several asked me to speak at their high schools. Rep. Pittman’s personal page also told me about issues she and her friends have had recently with relational aggression and bullying at Capitol Hill High School.

Though I’ve been working with my platform for several years and heard dozens of horrible stories, it never ceases to affect me and continues to break my heart. No one of any age, race or gender should have to face relational aggression on a daily basis and live in fear. Stories like hers remind me to not stop reaching out to schools and students, because while it may have gotten better for me, it hasn’t yet changed for them.

While at the capitol, I ran into Rep. Kris Steele, another Shawnee native. Each time I visit the capitol, I stop in to say hello to Kris and Charlie Laster, but they are always working too hard outside of the office! Today I also met one of Selby’s close friends, Kyle. He graduates with his Master’s degree from OU the same day I will be receiving my undergraduate degree and I really enjoyed getting to know him! He worked in the office adjacent to Valorie, the policy director, who asked me for several quotes. Rep. Pittman is working to put out a news release about my platform and the work she and I have been doing to stop bullying. If I catch it when it’s published, I’ll add a link and copy of the story!

Rep. Pittman also asked me to speak at a walk which is being held on May 14th (the day I graduate!) in Oklahoma City. It begins at a nearby church and is being put together by Kirk Smalley and Stand For The Silent. The walk will start around 8:30 am and I look  forward to sharing a few thoughts with those in attendance! Overall, great visit at the capitol and a busy week ahead!

Twenty-Something Girl

This morning I received a message with VERY exciting news! I was selected by Twenty Something Magazine, a new Oklahoma based publication, as a candidate for the Twenty Something Girl! Each month, the magazine features a local young woman who is highly involved in the community and making a different in the state of Oklahoma. I am beyond honored to be recognized as a nominee, and have to thank the University of Oklahoma Pi Phi’s for selecting me! Oklahoma has a great market for a magazine of this nature and you can even check out the first edition online. Click this link – Twenty Something Magazine Girl – to vote!


This time of the year has really picked up! My capstone is taking up more time as we complete the execution and my weekends are filled with a thousand and ten different tasks. Since talent is something I struggle with after the great ankle injury of 07, I’ve found a tap class in Norman and have been attending for the past few weeks. It meets every Thursday evening and has not only helped my memory, but has broken in my tap shoes and strengthened my technique. I had not taken a tap class since high school, so I often forget what steps are called and it sometimes takes me a few minutes to correct my sounds, but it’s really nice to have the opportunity to better my skills.

Our tap teacher is like a character out of a book. With just a handful of “adults” (more like young college students) in the class, he often peppers his teaching with anecdotes of shows he was in or tales of famous performers. We dance to songs from “Pink Martini” and classic Broadway shows, never anything dating past 1980! At the end of every class, though the students always ask if we can do a wing combination, he insists we must end with buffalos. After class, I tend to stay for a while and run my talent selection for Miss Oklahoma since the studio allows a lot more space than my living room!

I met with Brian of Results Fitness USA again last week, and he gave me a new full body workout and increased my cardio. He took measurements to see the change in my body and I was really pleased with the results. Brian is very supportive and I’ll be back in three weeks to check in and change it up! Though I’m not much of a morning person, I’ve been waking up early to add in the changes and continuing to stay on top of my diet plan. It’s amazing how good chocolate protein bars begin to taste when you forget what real chocolate is like! He also sent me home with chocolate chip protein cookies which are just about the best things I’ve ever had in my life. Kimberly, my future roommate and former competitor, also gave me an awesome (though cheesy) idea. She said I’ll feel a little ridiculous, but I made a chart and get to put a sticker on the chart every time I complete my work outs, a healthy day of eating, and my weight routine. I LOVE stickers, so it’s just another way I’m trying to hold myself accountable!

I have had such great fortune in terms of sponsorship and ad sales for Miss Oklahoma and could not feel more supported by family and friends. Many people have contributed to making my journey successful and I can only hope to make them proud! I have to turn in ad sales next Saturday and have started designing the pages so I won’t be up all night like last year. I had no idea what to do or expect when making the ads in my rookie year, but I think I’ve got it down now! Also, ticket orders are due Saturday so if you would like to purchase a package which includes Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday prelims and Saturday finals, let me know! The prices are: $100 Bronze, $200 Silver, $300 Gold. Individual tickets are also available for $30 or $50, or if you’d prefer to wait, you can buy them at the door.

I’ve also met with my dance teacher a few times in the past week and am feeling wonderful about the changes we’ve made! She’s so much fun, and I appreciate that I am able to tell her what I like or don’t like, or what isn’t working for me. I got caught up on a cramp roll turn at tap class last week and had a scary twist of my ankle. It’s just a little sore, but mostly it just scared the pants off of me!

I’m working with several schools to schedule a date/time to speak to their students, but am still pursuing many other schools as well. Persistence pays off!! I have a great and timely message to share and am hoping to include schools outside of Norman too! Please let me know if you have a friend who is a counselor or principal at ANY elementary/middle school in Oklahoma and I will find a time to make it to their part of the state! I am determined to increase awareness of RA and help students suppress it within their schools.

Saturday is Miss Oklahoma contestant’s day! I’m not exactly sure how this weekend will all pan out, mostly due to my class schedule. I’m taking a Strategic Fashion Communication course and in addition to meeting every other week, our professor flies in from Hong Kong to teach us for an entire weekend. Friday I have class from 2:30-9:30, I’m missing Saturday for contestant’s day, and Sunday I have class again from 8:30-6:30. It will be a VERY exhausting weekend to say the least!

Contestant’s day is a lot of fun, even though it is a full day of pageant-related activities. In the morning, each contestant showcases her talent selection for approval and submits more paperwork plus the ad pages I have been working on. Somehow, I have the fortune of landing in the early group and will perform my talent fourth. The first group begins at 9 am and the second begins at 10 am. Afterwards, we are given information about the pageant, judges, and learn part of the opening number dance. Last year we learned about the theme during Winter Meeting, but this year Kent has kept it a secret. I’m really excited to hear about what he has in store for us! Later we will have lunch and draw for placement (the order we will compete in).

I’m most excited to see my pageant friends, particularly since we are all so busy and rarely get to spend time together. I’ll also be able to meet other contestant’s I didn’t get to meet at Winter Meeting. ALSO! Selby will be in town! YAY!!!! On a side note, my gown should be in within the next two weeks…I just can’t wait to get my hands on it! This coming weekend will be tough,  but the job of Miss Oklahoma is just as time consuming and exhausting. Since Miss Oklahoma is the goal in sight, I’m looking at this weekend as another challenge to conquer in preparation for the crown. Let’s just hope I can catch a little sleep somewhere in there!

20% Complete

If you’re not familiar with the Miss America Organization, it might be interesting for you to know that Evening Gown accounts for 20% of the overall score! Last weekend, Selby and her momma, Margie, came into town for a weekend of pageanting. My mom and I met Selby and Margie in Oklahoma City at 10 am. I was super excited since I had saved my “cheat day” (the day I can eat what I like….as long as I don’t go buck wild!) for when Selby came into town so we could have a fun meal! Since I was able to attend the trunk shows at Miss America, I had already tried on about 150-200 gowns while in Vegas. This is not a joke…some were so heavily beaded that I could hardly lift them!

After four hours of trying on and re-trying on gowns, we finally picked “the dress.” What amazes me about my selection is that it really is a great cross between red carpet and pageant – something which I’ve always found to be difficult. It’s exactly what I wanted but nothing I ever thought I would purchase. Go figure! I also was able to see several of my pageant friends and meet new friends who I’ll be spending a week with at Miss O in June. After lunch, we headed over to the Cheesecake Factory (YUM!) where I had one epic meal. Seriously, I must have tried a bite of at least 3 kinds of cheesecakes. Shh! It was cheat day!

On Sunday, we woke up early again and met Selby in Edmond for the Miss Oklahoma Winter Meeting. Last year, the meeting lasted from 9 am until around 2 or 3 pm. This year, we were completely done by 12:30! The board was on their A game and probably over-prepared since their fearless leader, Kay, was unable to attend. Kay was visiting her daughter in Texas since she is now a new, first-time grandmother! Selby showed me a picture of baby Kinley and she really is absolutely beautiful.

At Winter meeting, we are given ad page, wardrobe and paperwork information. This year I’ll be looking for a white ramp gown, orange or yellow swimsuit, white top/black skirt for top 5 interview and several sponsors to purchase ad pages in the program book! Luckily, the paperwork hasn’t changed much so Selby and I can begin tackling that ASAP. After the meeting, I was able to hang out with Selby before she left for Houston. I really enjoy spending time with her and while I don’t mind her living so far away, it’s probably a good thing! If she were closer, I would probably be making trips several times a week to just chat and taking up all her time!

On another note, I am proud to say that I have followed the workout 100% and have figured out the healthy eating thing! It really is easy, you just have to plan ahead. Sometimes I’ll prepare food 24 hours+ in advance if I know I’m going to be too busy to grill chicken or throw together a sandwich. I’m great with time management, but when it comes time to drive to class I always seem to lose 10 minutes somewhere. By planning my meals out in advance, along with the times and extent to which I’ll be working out, I’ve been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle!

While I would love to share my gown with you, I’d rather wait until it comes in and add pictures later. For now, enjoy these pictures of celebrities at the Academy Awards and the Golden Globes!


The Beginning

…is always the hardest part! Setting up the new blog has been a struggle – themes, finding free headers that actually fit the size needed, and widgets…oh my! Now that the initial words have been typed and I think there is some sort of organization, we can truly begin.

On Saturday, January 22nd I was awarded the opportunity to serve as Miss Sooner State 2011. That chilly Oklahoma Saturday was not my first rodeo, and after consistently going home from local pageants as the 1st or 2nd runner-up, I had made my peace with whatever path God had created for me. Fortunately, His plan and mine were in line that evening and I know I was provided the title of Miss Sooner State for so many reasons!

As Miss Sooner State, I look forward to the endless possibilities which are ahead. Though June 11th is a mere four months and four days away, I am not one to be slowed or deterred by a short time frame. Last year I was so overwhelmed by the daily demands of being a sorority President during the once-in-a-lifetime Centennial year, trying to find time and space to exercise, eat well and practice a tap dance in a 60-year-old sorority house, and maintain the grades I expected of myself. The time slipped away so quickly and when looking back I was not able to completely enjoy and live life to its fullest potential.

This year, so much has changed. I am in my last semester of college and have had a job lined up since November – working as an inner-city Early Childhood teacher in Tulsa through the Teach For America program. After living in the dorms and moving straight into a 91-girl-filled sorority house for 2 1/2 years, I am in a small house with three other girls, off campus….and with my very own kitchen! During college, I have always maintained the kind of lifestyle where my friends saw me dashing off to meetings and often leaving one early to make it to another. This semester, I am taking a mere thirteen hours and have decided to allow the younger generations to take the lead where I left off on campus.

I am blessed to be Miss Sooner State, not just because my platform hits home for me, but because of the wonderful and positive people who will be by my side the whole way. Miss Sooner State is not like other Miss America Organization pageants, as it does not have a board of directors to fundraise, schedule events and appearances for their title holder, or offer years of experience. Though this sounds daunting, I am the luckiest girl heading to Miss Oklahoma because I have Selby by my side. Selby is my director or “mentor,” as the Miss Oklahoma Organization is calling her, and no amount of money or time could ever be greater than what she has already offered in our short time together – support. As a young twenty-something, Selby lives in Houston, but we BBM (Blackberry Messenger) at least twelve hours out of the day. She offers great advice, positive feedback, and I already know that we will be very close friends.

Selby also proposed the idea for a fundraiser to help with the costs of competing for Miss Oklahoma.  Scentsy is a line of wickless home fragrances that melt in special “Scentsy Pots.” It is a great alternative to candles, and more powerful than any candle I have found! Not only do they smell great, but they also make perfect gifts! Selby’s favorite is Skinny Dippin’, which I’ll be ordering now. I love Gingersnap, Toasted Caramel Sugar and Vanilla Walnut. If you order through the link below, 40% of the profits from your purchase will benefit Miss Sooner State!

Scentsy For Miss Sooner State

This is just the beginning, but keep checking back as I will be discussing more about why I became involved in the Miss America Organization, what I am doing as Miss Sooner State, and how you can become more involved!

P.S. If you know what a widget is, or how to use such a thing, let me know!