It’s Only Just Begun

I am all moved in at the ORU dorms and ready for the week ahead! We began the morning with orientation and many, many hours of rehearsals. Wendy’s is so kind to donate a delicious lunch for the contestants and I always love seeing the owner’s daughter dressed up like Wendy! She’s a doll – really!

Though Kent has bronchitis, that certainly didn’t slow him down! We learned more dances than I can currently remember, but just be prepared for an amazing show. The atmosphere with the contestants has been very relaxed here and I see the Lord working through so many young women. It’s almost surreal to think that a week from tonight a new Miss Oklahoma will be crowned!

When we arrived to the dorms, I immediately checked out which red coat and contestants I would be driving with, and nearly squealed in excitement to be in ELIZABETH KINNEY’S mom’s car! Elizabeth is the first Miss Oklahoma I ever saw crowned and I fell in love with her on that stage. She is dynamite and I admire her more than words can express. Her mom, Melinda, is such a joy to be around – you’ve got to meet this woman!! I also found out she is from Shawnee and went to high school with my dad! what a small world. Lindsey Allen and I are in for a real treat with her!

20120602-225717.jpgAfter seeing our rooms (I cannot wait to post more pictures of my Come Rain or Come Shine themed room!), we ate and headed off to the Red Carpet premiere. I love this event because it is an opportunity to destress with family and friends before competition gets underway.


After walking the red carpet, we were corralled to a room and I was later told that when Rich came in, I needed to follow him. Thinking I needed to gather others and make room for the end of the alphabetical procession, I started herding… Someone told me to stop and I followed Rich, thinking we were just moving the miss contestants alphabetically.

As I was walking with Alex Eppler, Megan Johnson, Alicia Clifton, Brittany Bisel and Georgia Frazier I realized we were not in the right order. As I was about to pipe up, I realized the most exciting news possible – WE WERE COMMUNITY SERVICE FINALISTS!!!!!

I must have lit up like a Christmas tree and haven’t stopped glowing since! It is the highest honor to be considered for an award of this caliber and I feel blessed to be part of this group. Our interviews are in the morning and I cannot wait to share my passion with the Kiwanians.

Thank you to the Girl Scouts, school groups, and community leaders who have taken relational aggression seriously and have shared this journey with me! You are the reason I live to serve and I already feel so accomplished after the progress we have made together.

Have a wonderful evening and on to day two!!




Twas the Night Before Check-In


The big week has finally arrived and I could not be more excited! Clothes are stacked everywhere as I wait for the suitcases to be carted from Shawnee, healthy food fills my table, and garment bags flock the couches. I am absolutely elated for Miss Oklahoma week and will be updating nightly with the exciting events of the day. With the 40th anniversary of Miss Oklahoma – brought to you by the Kiwanis Club of Tulsa, it will be a year to remember!

Last night I had a wonderful send-off party with my Green Country family, friends and even a few sweet Girl Scouts I met over the past ten months! It was great to show them what Mi’Shell and I have accomplished this year and have a preview of the upcoming week. Tomorrow is a very big day with check-in, rehearsals and the Red Carpet Premiere.

Thank you to everyone who has made this year possible for me and who have helped me along the way! I could not have done it without your support and am bursting at the seams to get on that stage. This year I have a much different mindset, what I believe to be a more mature one. In years past I have set my sights on quantitative goals – making the semi-finals, winning a community service award, etc…. things I had no control over. I have realized that there is but one goal to have and that is to leave every aspect of competition knowing that it was the very best I have ever done.

This year, I just want to be the best “Britan” that I have ever been. Whatever that may bring, I’m ready for it! Looking forward to updating you throughout the week!

*Please keep Kent Parham in your prayers as it was posted on Facebook earlier that he was in a hospital gown. Not surprisingly, he made it look great and seemed to be in excellent spirits. I am unsure as to why he was there, but it looks as though he won’t have any trouble making it to practice tomorrow. Get better soon, Kent!

Send a Little Love to Room 34

Imagine being five years old, and you are told your teacher is competing at Miss Oklahoma. She will wear a princess dress, she will sing, and she could become Miss America some day. I’m not sure if anyone can fathom what that might mean to a child, but I know of twenty sweet faces who want to see this unbelievable event with their own eyes.

Teach For America places corps members in schools which are located in low socio-economic areas. My students must apply and meet the criteria for Head Start in order to attend, making it little more than a dream to lavishly spend money for their families to attend Miss Oklahoma. At $10 a ticket, their brothers and sisters want to go as well – but around $50 a family, it’s a great expense.

I will be selling Scentsy to fundraise for my students and their families to attend Miss Oklahoma in June! Not only will they be experiencing the arts, but they are exposed to what could happen if they work hard and grow their brains. In 1993, Miss Oklahoma came to the Shawnee Public Library to speak and perform her talent. As a four-year-old, I cannot recall her message, but for the first time ever I thought the flute was kind of cool.

As I left with an autographed photo in hand, we saw Miss Oklahoma’s official car and of course I had to take a picture with it! Donning my best dance pose in curls and polka dots, I beamed next to her bright red car. Little did I know that I could some day be competing to wear her crown.

I know that if I can be affected in such a way, my students can and will benefit from the opportunity to see not just one Miss Oklahoma – but Miss Oklahoma from the past forty years, and a brand new Miss Oklahoma crowned. Please help me raise funds for my students to see Miss Oklahoma by ordering Scentsy from the link below. Twenty-five percent of the profits have been generously donated to me by David of DC Cake Appeal! Thank you David, and thank you to everyone for your orders!!


Full Hearts and Sticky Hands

IHOP is a great supporter of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, raising funds throughout the month of February for Miss America’s national platform. I was fortunate enough to volunteer on Saturday, February 11th at my hometown (Shawnee) IHOP for this wonderful cause. Though it was eleven degrees outside, the IHOP held a scent of warm pancakes and big hearts – ready to serve the children of Oklahoma!

People are my passion and I was so very excited to spend the chilly morning with the friendliest, kindest folks of small town Oklahoma. I met tiny people and big people – many in PreKindergarten. We obviously had a lot in common since I teach PreK! I debated the Thunder’s season with a kindergartener and 1st grader, hearing about their love for Kevin Durant and telling them why I adore James Harden. There was a three-year-old who burst into tears when she saw me across the room and refused to calm down until she could meet the “princess.” I made new friends in Kayla, Zoe, Caitlin, and several other kids who wanted to help other kids. One man told me that I didn’t look old enough to compete for Miss America – guess it’s time to look my age! Haha, how many people are trying to look older at the age of 22?! I know I say it a lot, but this job really is one of the greatest in the world.

I met not one, but TWO Miracle Kids – Maddie and Jayse. Maddie often travels to the Oklahoma City Children’s Hospital due to diabetes. She was dressed to the nines – fur boots, pink bag, long coat, and definitely ready to take on whatever came her way!

Jayse is from St.Louis, Oklahoma and helped me raise funds for CMN today. We sold paper balloons and glow-in-the-dark bracelets – nearly selling out completely! Jayse has PKU,  phenylketonuria. People with PKU are missing an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase, which is needed to break down an essential amino acid called phenylalanine. The substance is found in foods that contain protein. (This was obviously googled so I would be able to explain it better!) Jayse cannot eat protein, making his condition difficult, yet manageable by diagnosing it early and with the right diet. He is a vegan, meaning he does not eat any byproduct of animals. While Jayse and his mom make this sound fairly easy, I am still completely amazed at his positivity and ability to live with PKU, yet still feel like he has a pretty normal childhood.

The commonality between Maddie and Jayse is their outlook. Jayse’s mom said that while PKU is not always easy, there are a lot of others who have much more serious circumstances. These kids are both full of joy and passion for life. Their optimistic attitudes put our own daily struggles into perspective. I do not have diabetes or PKU – and neither of these Miracle Kids are the type of person to complain, just because their day is a bit more unique. Looking at what they must face – needles and constant checking of life-changing food ingredients – things like traffic and work issues are not important, or even comparative. These two really are Miracle Kids and we could all learn from their example of a positive life.

Capitol Kind of Day

Thursday morning I went back to the capitol to visit with Representative Pittman. She is always going 100 miles an hour and I was amazed she was able to schedule a date and time to further discuss the bill and upcoming events. It was a cold morning for April, hence my call to Selby for a little “What Not To Wear: Capitol Edition.” Big news: I didn’t get lost on my way!!! There’s hope after all…

Rep. Pittman and I chatted for a while about where the bill is and the opportunities ahead. As of today, HB 1461 authored by Rep. Denny and co-authored by Rep. Pittman has passed the House, and passed the Senate, though amendments were made. If the amendments made by the Senate are approved  by Rep. Denny, the bill will go directly to Governor Fallin. Hopefully I will find out more in the coming weeks!

While at the capitol, I met with the pages from the House of Representatives. The students paging were from across Oklahoma, and one was even from Shawnee! While there, I was able to explain my platform and define relational aggression. I spoke individually with the pages as well, and several asked me to speak at their high schools. Rep. Pittman’s personal page also told me about issues she and her friends have had recently with relational aggression and bullying at Capitol Hill High School.

Though I’ve been working with my platform for several years and heard dozens of horrible stories, it never ceases to affect me and continues to break my heart. No one of any age, race or gender should have to face relational aggression on a daily basis and live in fear. Stories like hers remind me to not stop reaching out to schools and students, because while it may have gotten better for me, it hasn’t yet changed for them.

While at the capitol, I ran into Rep. Kris Steele, another Shawnee native. Each time I visit the capitol, I stop in to say hello to Kris and Charlie Laster, but they are always working too hard outside of the office! Today I also met one of Selby’s close friends, Kyle. He graduates with his Master’s degree from OU the same day I will be receiving my undergraduate degree and I really enjoyed getting to know him! He worked in the office adjacent to Valorie, the policy director, who asked me for several quotes. Rep. Pittman is working to put out a news release about my platform and the work she and I have been doing to stop bullying. If I catch it when it’s published, I’ll add a link and copy of the story!

Rep. Pittman also asked me to speak at a walk which is being held on May 14th (the day I graduate!) in Oklahoma City. It begins at a nearby church and is being put together by Kirk Smalley and Stand For The Silent. The walk will start around 8:30 am and I look  forward to sharing a few thoughts with those in attendance! Overall, great visit at the capitol and a busy week ahead!