Twenty Something Magazine – WINNER!

I had to hold myself back from doing a little Charlie Sheen hash tagging (#winning), but considering Charlie and I have so little in common…it didn’t seem necessary!

I’m thrilled to relay that this morning on KSBI (a local Oklahoma station) the magazine announced ME as the winner of their June Twenty Something Magazine Girl search! If you remember from a few weeks ago, I posted a link to voting. Several young women were selected as finalists by the magazine and the public was asked to vote. The winner receives a photo shoot in the magazine along with an article about how they are a fun twenty something girl who is contributing to the betterment of our community.

Here’s an example of one of my pageant friends, Morgan Woolard, who is the May Twenty Something Girl. Morgan and I first met at Miss Oklahoma Teen USA in 2006. As it turned out, USA wasn’t for this short legged gal, but Morgan won – and it was her first pageant! It was one of those moments where you were truly thrilled for the winner and couldn’t have been happier if you’d won yourself. I really enjoyed getting to know her and have cheered her on ever since. She truly has a wonderful spirit and will do great things in life.

The magazine, created in April, is available online, so be sure to check it out. Look for me in next month’s issue!

Healthy Living

Tonight, I went into the kitchen ready to grill up my normal chicken and veggies, but really wanted a bit of variety! If you know me, you know I love to bake. I make cupcakes for everyone, dabble in cookies for kicks, and have a Butter Nut Cake that no one can turn down. When it comes to cooking, I’m a bit new to the game! Baking has always been so simple…combine ingredients and throw it in the oven. Cooking seems to take a little more attention, time and patience (three things I do not have when it comes to food!).

I follow several recipe and cooking sites through Twitter, but can never find the kind of recipes I need. My new best friend is the crock pot, but I don’t always have time to whip it all up in the morning and let it stew all day. Basically, I need some good recipes for chicken, turkey, vegetables and snacks which are low in sugars, carbs and fats. I seem to be a proteinatarian right now, and am afraid I may turn into a protein bar soon! Luckily, I’ve been eating nothing but turkey and chicken for years now (can we say picky eater?) and have yet to start clucking! I sometimes forget to eat meat, so anything which is quick and simple for meat would be fantastic. Any great recipes you’d be willing to share? I know you’re looking at this blog…might as well pass on a great, healthy recipe. If you do, I’ll make it and share on the blog!

Also, you can vote until April 25th for the June Twenty Something Magazine Girl! Since June is the month of Miss Oklahoma, I would really appreciate your help in making Miss Sooner State the featured twenty something! Keep checking back (or subscribe!) because I have A LOT of speaking engagements and appearances coming up in the next few weeks. I love being able to share my platform with others and create safer social environments!

Twenty-Something Girl

This morning I received a message with VERY exciting news! I was selected by Twenty Something Magazine, a new Oklahoma based publication, as a candidate for the Twenty Something Girl! Each month, the magazine features a local young woman who is highly involved in the community and making a different in the state of Oklahoma. I am beyond honored to be recognized as a nominee, and have to thank the University of Oklahoma Pi Phi’s for selecting me! Oklahoma has a great market for a magazine of this nature and you can even check out the first edition online. Click this link – Twenty Something Magazine Girl – to vote!