Brownie Troop #64

With each group I visit, I am always able to take something away. I learn about their view on relational aggression, their experiences, how it has changed them, how they feel, what impact they believe can be made…the list goes on and on! This particular troop, located in Owasso, gave me something incredibly thoughtful and special.

I met Troop #64 on Tuesday, March 13th – an exciting day for one of their troop members – Marina’s ninth birthday! Marina’s mom found my blog and invited me to speak with their troop. How amazing is that?! Little did I know what an amazing communication tool this blog would be when I began last year.

Troop #64

The troop of 2nd and 3rd graders were absolutely exuberant! Not only were they so intelligent, but insightful and reflective as I spoke with them. They told stories I could also relate to, particularly having a friend who did not invite you to their birthday party (though everyone else came back with loads of favors to school – further deepening the wound), because they could only invite eight girls and you were tenth on the list.

Having an inclusive personality, it still stings to think about the situation (which happened more than once). What is more unbelievable? Knowing that these girls are more than ten years younger than me, and the same scenarios are still playing out. Another troop member recalled being a bystander for a special needs student at school, and I could feel her bravery in standing up for a boy who did not possess the words to stop the aggressor himself. Remembering myself at her age, I knew I would not have had the courage for fear of becoming the victim. Proof that the Girl Scouts of the United States are instilling the most imperative of values in Oklahoma’s youth.

After I spoke to the girls, they gave me THE most amazing surprise! I was presented with a huge crate of books and puzzles for my classroom. Teaching in a  low-income area, I have no books outside of the ones my (fortunately very experienced!) co-teacher possesses. Eric Carle, Fancy Nancy, hard-back books, and wooden puzzles – like glitter to my teacher’s soul! I am so very grateful for their contribution and my students were SO excited to see new, bright, colorful books on our shelves this morning. THANK YOU Troop #64! It was such an amazing and kind gift.

We later celebrated Marina’s (she’s also an Oklahoma Star) birthday with cupcakes (I still have three months – plenty of time to celebrate with a sweet treat!), slap bracelets and green (yay!) necklaces. The girls asked me to autograph their glow-in-the-dark bracelets, slap bracelets, cups, you name it! That night, I was not the only role model in the room – but the small group of Owasso Brownies who portrayed selflessness and service to my students.

Thank you again, Troop #64!

Green Country Greetings

In the past few weeks I have had so many fantastic opportunities! I am loving my directors, Kevin and Eddie, and am beyond thrilled with what we have planned for this year. A week after I was crowned, I was able to watch Miss Mustang. Congrats to Hailey Holloway – a wonderful winner! We will have too much fun at Miss O this June! 🙂

On Sunday, I was able to attend Miss Oklahoma’s Outstanding Teen, Clytee Burchett’s, send-off party. Words cannot even begin to describe what a perfect representative she will be for Oklahoma. Clytee has such a genuinely pure heart and I have never met someone who is exuberant with joy in everything she does. While at the send-off, I saw several friends and made a new best friend in Brian’s daughter, Caris. We had a great time playing in the gorgeous host home, oooh-ing and ahh-ing over everything Clytee wore, and eating cupcakes (June is really far away!). Kevin snapped several pictures but I don’t have them just yet! Here is a precious picture of one of my stars, Maddy! I can already tell this little angel will be more than a blast this year and I can’t wait to get on-stage with her.

This is my first week of school so I have been busy preparing, but I am already amazed by how many tiny lives I am able to touch through teaching. I have learned much more than I expected to in just one day with my 4-year-olds, and this will be the experience of a lifetime!