The Finals

As you are reading this, I am in my dorm room in Phoenix. It is completely surreal that 24 hours ago I was on the Miss Oklahoma stage and 12 hours ago I was boarding a plane to embark upon this next chapter of my life. As you can understand – I’m mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. Last night, Oklahoma crowned a new winner – Congrats Betty Thompson! It was a fantastic show and everyone in the top 15 was deserving of their spot.

I’m amazed at how quickly time can fly. Before you know it, Miss Oklahoma week will be here once again and we will all wonder how an entire year has passed. I hope to earn another title and make my way back to that stage next year, still blogging every step of the way! I cannot begin to thank everyone who has made the past few months not just happen, but the most fantastic experience I could have asked for. There are countless people who care about the organization and the women involved in it, and without them, Miss O week wouldn’t take place. Thank you to everyone who has supported, cheered, and prayed for me as I made my way to and through last week. I am forever grateful for the people God has placed in my life and hope someday I can give to them what they have given to me.

Thank you for following Miss Sooner State and stay tuned for more in the coming months! ๐Ÿ™‚

Day 4

I can’t even believe it’s already day 4! Where did Miss Oklahoma week go?! This morning was an early morning for the Omega group – we were at the Mabee Center by 7:30 am for talent rehearsals! If you know me at all, you know I often dread talent. I love dancing. I love performing. I love my costume, choreography, and dance teacher. However, it is absolutely frightening to not know how slick the stage will be with an ankle which has gone through a surgery, a broken bone, and torn ligaments. Needless to say: it’s a bit nerve-racking! The rehearsal was fine though and after the other groups rehearsed for their categories, we had a great lunch with a guest – I chose mom! It’s awesome to have a lunch with someone outside of the pageant because we do not have our phones or any form of communication unless we are in our dorms, and it’s great to hear a little encouragement mid-week.

After lunch, we had more rehearsals. I realize that there are only so many times I can say we rehearsed, but I’m sure you’re not that interested in the fact that we ran around in heels for several hours anyways! We got cleaned up and headed off to Macaroni Grill for an awesome (and Miss O diet friendly) meal! After that – it was show time! The opening number was fantastic and then there was talent. My dance was ok! I realize I’m not the best dancer in the entire world, and have accepted that. I may not be the most talented, but no one can say I am not a hard worker and I am proud of my improved performance! Congratulations to tonight’s winners: Swimsuit – Alex Eppler, Talent – Alicia Clifton, Rookie Talent – Tawnie Goodwin!

Here are a few shots from the week that I wanted to share!Kiwanis luncheon with Heather, my teen from last year! She has been such a great MOOT and I am so proud to call her my friend.

Dinner at Macaroni Grill

Visitation tonight

Tomorrow we get to sleep in until 7:30!!! So excited to showcase my beautiful gown, thanks to Kayne, his staff, and our dear friend, E-6000. Tomorrow night is also our swimsuit production number…get ready….it will knock your socks off!


P.S. In the words of my sister, ” thereโ€™s no mention of your amazing sister that carried all of your stuff up stairs.” Now there is. ๐Ÿ™‚