Brownie Troop #64

With each group I visit, I am always able to take something away. I learn about their view on relational aggression, their experiences, how it has changed them, how they feel, what impact they believe can be made…the list goes on and on! This particular troop, located in Owasso, gave me something incredibly thoughtful and special.

I met Troop #64 on Tuesday, March 13th – an exciting day for one of their troop members – Marina’s ninth birthday! Marina’s mom found my blog and invited me to speak with their troop. How amazing is that?! Little did I know what an amazing communication tool this blog would be when I began last year.

Troop #64

The troop of 2nd and 3rd graders were absolutely exuberant! Not only were they so intelligent, but insightful and reflective as I spoke with them. They told stories I could also relate to, particularly having a friend who did not invite you to their birthday party (though everyone else came back with loads of favors to school – further deepening the wound), because they could only invite eight girls and you were tenth on the list.

Having an inclusive personality, it still stings to think about the situation (which happened more than once). What is more unbelievable? Knowing that these girls are more than ten years younger than me, and the same scenarios are still playing out. Another troop member recalled being a bystander for a special needs student at school, and I could feel her bravery in standing up for a boy who did not possess the words to stop the aggressor himself. Remembering myself at her age, I knew I would not have had the courage for fear of becoming the victim. Proof that the Girl Scouts of the United States are instilling the most imperative of values in Oklahoma’s youth.

After I spoke to the girls, they gave me THE most amazing surprise! I was presented with a huge crate of books and puzzles for my classroom. Teaching in a  low-income area, I have no books outside of the ones my (fortunately very experienced!) co-teacher possesses. Eric Carle, Fancy Nancy, hard-back books, and wooden puzzles – like glitter to my teacher’s soul! I am so very grateful for their contribution and my students were SO excited to see new, bright, colorful books on our shelves this morning. THANK YOU Troop #64! It was such an amazing and kind gift.

We later celebrated Marina’s (she’s also an Oklahoma Star) birthday with cupcakes (I still have three months – plenty of time to celebrate with a sweet treat!), slap bracelets and green (yay!) necklaces. The girls asked me to autograph their glow-in-the-dark bracelets, slap bracelets, cups, you name it! That night, I was not the only role model in the room – but the small group of Owasso Brownies who portrayed selflessness and service to my students.

Thank you again, Troop #64!

Healthy Living

Tonight, I went into the kitchen ready to grill up my normal chicken and veggies, but really wanted a bit of variety! If you know me, you know I love to bake. I make cupcakes for everyone, dabble in cookies for kicks, and have a Butter Nut Cake that no one can turn down. When it comes to cooking, I’m a bit new to the game! Baking has always been so simple…combine ingredients and throw it in the oven. Cooking seems to take a little more attention, time and patience (three things I do not have when it comes to food!).

I follow several recipe and cooking sites through Twitter, but can never find the kind of recipes I need. My new best friend is the crock pot, but I don’t always have time to whip it all up in the morning and let it stew all day. Basically, I need some good recipes for chicken, turkey, vegetables and snacks which are low in sugars, carbs and fats. I seem to be a proteinatarian right now, and am afraid I may turn into a protein bar soon! Luckily, I’ve been eating nothing but turkey and chicken for years now (can we say picky eater?) and have yet to start clucking! I sometimes forget to eat meat, so anything which is quick and simple for meat would be fantastic. Any great recipes you’d be willing to share? I know you’re looking at this blog…might as well pass on a great, healthy recipe. If you do, I’ll make it and share on the blog!

Also, you can vote until April 25th for the June Twenty Something Magazine Girl! Since June is the month of Miss Oklahoma, I would really appreciate your help in making Miss Sooner State the featured twenty something! Keep checking back (or subscribe!) because I have A LOT of speaking engagements and appearances coming up in the next few weeks. I love being able to share my platform with others and create safer social environments!

Wings To Fly

Though it is only March 10th, this month has already been very busy! Last Friday I spent a great deal of time (9+ hours) with my fabulous hairdresser/make-up artist Larry Chowning and wonderful photographer, Leigh Thompson, to complete my headshots for Miss Oklahoma. We had so much fun and it was great to spend my “cheat day” eating cupcakes with them! I am beyond thrilled with how the pictures turned out and will be posting them as soon as the complete, cropped products are finished.

The photoshoot lasted late into the night and I made it back to Norman around 12:30 am. Normally, this wouldn’t have been any problem for a night owl like myself – but I intended to wake up at 4:45 am to prepare volunteering as Miss Sooner State. The Heartland Wings To Fly 5K/15K Miracle Run was held Saturday morning in El Reno. Being from an equally small town, I knew where El Reno was…sort of! It’s always been a big joke in my family that I could handle the responsibilities of Miss Oklahoma except one – navigation. Over time, I have learned to MapQuest my start and end points for an approximate length of time, and then leave 15-20 minutes earlier than the length it would take to complete the journey.

The run was set to begin at 7 am and I aimed to be early, therefore I left my house at 6 am. It was still dark outside! The wind whipped my little MINI all over the road, and I even called Talia AND Diane just to be sure I was taking the right exits and heading in the correct general direction. If you couldn’t tell, I’ve been lost a time or two! I finally made it to El Reno in one piece though. I had checked the weather before hand and it looked to be chilly so I wore jeans, boots, three shirts and a coat. Layered up, I headed to the volunteer center.

I was fortunate to spend the day with several friends including Miss Greater Oklahoma, Talia Berning and Miss Edmond Libertyfest, Damaris Pierce (who was crazy enough to run the 15K with half the layers I had on!), and my new teen queen friends Miss Oklahoma State Fair’s Outstanding Teen, Ashten Vincent,  and Miss Edmond Libertyfest’s Outstanding Teen, Clytee Burchett. Our job was to help runners who had not pre-registered sign up for the race. While there, we were fortunate to meet several supporters of Children’s Miracle Network and local officials, including the El Reno City Manager. After my dad served as Mayor of our hometown for four years, I have a huge respect for people who serve their towns and it was great to see the city supporting such a worthy cause.

The runners ranged from 10 years old to 60+! Though the weather was not on our side, the support poured in regardless. The temperature peaked at 29 degrees and the wind was easily 15-20 MPH – not ideal for an outdoors run (or when trying to keep the crown from flying off your head!). Historic Ft. Reno was perfect for the safety of our runners though, as it was secluded and held a long, straight 1.5 mile stretch of driveway, leading into the highway. To say we were all cold is an understatement. I could not feel my fingers, and my toes were also numb. BRRRR!

We volunteered from 7 am-9 am, and while I’m awful at numbers, there were definitely 75-100 runners! Though I was cold, the chill is nothing compared to what a child with a life-threatening disease faces. Not only did these runners wake up early on a Saturday morning, but they paid $25-$40 to run in freezing temperatures. All for one of the greatest causes which exists – to help Oklahoma’s sick children. At 9 am we relocated to the starting line to cheer on Damaris and the other runners. Later, I thawed out in the car and headed home to prepare for another event: the Red Tie Event benefitting HIV/AIDS in the search for a cure. I thought about it on my way home and perhaps next time I’ll be able to join the other supporters not only as a volunteer, but as a runner/walker! Wings To Fly was a fantastic success for CMN! There is nothing better than spending a morning volunteering for something you believe in.